You Need to Consider These Expert-Suggested Skincare Products

We spoke with dermatologists and top beauty experts to put together a list of some of the best skincare products and tips. From choosing the right cleanser for your skin type to the importance of cleaning your makeup brushes, these easy tricks will help guide you to glowing skin ASAP.

Suggested Skincare Tips from Experts

1. Cleansers are extremely effective in removing makeup, excess oil, dead skin cells, and pollutants from the face. When selecting a suitable cleanser, it is critical to consider the pH of the skin. Avoid acidic cleansers in favor of those with a pH of around 5.5, which is good for skin health.

You Need to Consider These Expert-Suggested Skincare Products

2. Throughout the years, dermatologists have presented both pro and con arguments for and against toner. This is because some include alcohol, which is effective at killing bacteria but dehydrates the skin. Toners can be good for nurturing and purifying the skin, but only if they are free of alcohol and astringents. If you’re looking for a toner, it’s worth investigating products that contain alternative substances such as propolis or chamomile, both of which are antibacterial and safer to use than alcohol.

3. Combining a face serum and moisturizer can significantly improve the way your skin is nourished, hydrated, and protected. There are numerous serums available. The key is to understand your skin and which ones contain the chemicals or provide the advantages it requires.

4. Dermatologists advocate applying a decent moisturizer immediately after administering the serum. As with serums, there are various varieties to choose from depending on your skin type. Identifying your skin type enables you to get the most out of your moisturizer.

About the Author:

Germie Alderite is a Registered Medical Technologist in the Philippines. She is currently studying Doctor of Medicine in the said country. Germie worked in an Adventist Wellness Center for a year before entering Medical School. She believes that many transgress the laws of health through ignorance, thus, people need instruction. They need to be impressed with the importance of making their knowledge a guide of life. Physician has many opportunities both of imparting a knowledge of health principles and of showing the importance of putting them into practice.

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