Whoever came up with the “beauty is pain” philosophy obviously never met the skin care devices below. Each of these products gently rolls, glides or massages over your face to make your beauty routine less of a chore and more of an in-home spa treatment.
At first glance, these tools might seem simple, but each one is said to improve the texture and tone of your skin, help other skin care products work better and keep your skin looking fresh in between treatments. Our experts tell us how each one works its magic with this guide on rolling back the clock to reveal smoother, firmer, brighter skin.
1. ORA Microneedle Face Roller System
What it does: Fade scars, fine lines and wrinkles
How it works: A little intimidating but virtually pain-free, a dermaroller treatment “is a safe, chemical- and laser-free method that triggers new collagen production, regenerates skin cells and can also be used to help resurface the skin,” nurse and esthetician Natalie Aguilar explains.
“Via microneedling, the dermaroller creates microchannels through the surface of the skin, allowing active skin-care-product ingredients such as retinol and vitamin C to reach the depths of the skin more effectively,” she notes. Aguilar recommends using a microneedling device once or twice a week at home to help smooth wrinkles and fine lines, improve skin texture and even skin tone.
2. Nurse Jamie Instant UpLift
What it does: Firm, tone and energize your skin
How it works: Skin care expert to the stars Nurse Jamie created the Instant UpLift with a unique hexagon shape and strategically placed massaging stones to energize, enhance and revive your skin. “The hexagonal shape of the Uplift Facial Roller implements a rhythmic rolling action,” says Nurse Jamie, “replicating the techniques used in my signature facials at our exclusive spas helping to improve the appearance of skin tone for a more renewed, youthful-looking you!”
Read full story on dermstore.com
Also Read: Skin Care Tools That Will Make Washing Your Face a Breeze