Every time we workout, the purpose is to get worn out and cause stress to our body so that it is used to taking up stress and is always in peak condition. In this process, we sometimes hurt ourselves or push the body to its limit to the point where the pain is rather significant. Pain can have other sources as well, joint pains in elderly people, hormonal disorder or professional hazards can also cause pain.There are several ways to do tackle pain. One of them is physiotherapy.
Here, we take a look at top 5 physiotherapy machines that can help us with pain management at home. Apart from electro-therapy many other techniques like joint mobilisation, kinesiology, exercise prescription, etc. to reduce pain in the body. It is one of the oldest forms of treatment- even when there were no medicines. Things have changed drastically now and now you can buy electronic devices that let you perform these activities sitting at home.
There are so many products out there to purchase. We shall look at some physiotherapy machines that help you to control pain. Some tools use electric therapy, some use heat therapy and some just try to improve the body’s defense mechanism, through proper movement of blood and fluids. There are dedicated exercises or routines that one has to follow for specific pain points. There are proper, medically authorized usage manuals for all these products that clearly indicate the correct way to measure them.
Medansh 2 Channel TENS Physiotherapy Machine
What is TENS Machine
Transcuteaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation or sometimes also called Transcutaenous Electrical Neuromuscular Stimulation is an acronym – TENS. TENS Physiotherapy Machine is best known for managing pain or chronic pain. Its use doesn’t eliminate or heal the pain. Its major use is highlighted in chronic pain as people suffering from it take pain killers for very long and hence suffer from their side effects. In turn, TENS use doesn’t have any side effects, though like any medical device there has to be certain precautions while using it.
Though TENS Machine works on electric principal but intensity of current is very low to cause any harm. While using it initially one should start with even lower value of current and increase it gradually.
How does it work?
Apart from a base TENS physiotherapy machine unit which could run by electricity or battery there are multiple leads based on number of channels and electrodes to make it ready for functional use. TENS Physiotherapy machine works on pain gate theory which primarily means TENS machine blacks the pain message from the site of pain to brain. Basically it stimulates the nerve which cuts off this pain message to spinal cord or brain.
Read Full Article at Physiotherapy Machine
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