ECG monitor: Availability of portable and home‐based electrocardiography (ECG) is an important medical innovation, which has a potential to transform medical care. We performed this review to understand the current state of out‐of‐hospital portable ECG technologies with respect to their scope, ease of use, data transmission capabilities, and diagnostic accuracy.
We conducted PubMed and Internet searches for “handheld” or “wearable” or “patch” electrocardiography devices to enlist available technologies. We also searched PubMed with names of individual devices to obtain additional citations. We classified available devices as a “single limb lead ECG recording devices” and chest‐lead “ECG recording devices.” If a device used more than three electrodes, it was defined as a conventional electrocardiography or Holter machine and was excluded from this review.
Pocket This small and convenient portable cardiac monitor allows for thorough reporting with wide range of statistics available to the physician, as well as inclusive data on all known arrhythmia kinds, and basis for choosing the medical treatment. It also helps detect correlation between physical activity and arrhythmia.
PocketECG, apersonal ECG heart monitor which provides its users with full disclosure monitor and comprehensive analytic resolution for physicians that allows them to supervise remotely their patients’ heart rate variability via this device. This pocket ECG device lets clinicians widen their practices and enables effective diagnosis of cardiac conditions on a daily basis.
This small and convenient portable cardiac monitor allows for thorough reporting with wide range of statistics available to the physician, as well as inclusive data on all known arrhythmia kinds, and basis for choosing the medical treatment. It also helps detect correlation between physical activity and arrhythmia. Pocket ECG can seamlessly switch between Holter testing, event monitoring.
It’s very straight forward to use the device. After you download the app to your smartphone, open and click on “Record Now”; then press your fingers to the device. As soon as you click on the green “Record Now” button, with your fingers on the device, the app displays an ECG reading of your heart in real-time and records it.
Most digital technologies for A-Fib detection record brief windows of pulse or electrocardiographic data, then use algorithms to determine a patient’s rhythm. “These algorithms have been shown to be highly accurate when compared to expert review of clinical-grade electrocardiograms (ECGs).” Read More..