OOMNEX OmniBeleo 7-in-1 Face and Body Slimming and Contouring Machine
OOMNEX OmniBeleo 7-in-1 Face and Body Slimming and Contouring Machine

OmniBeleo combines the most popular technologies in one full-featured aesthetic platform. OOMNEX OmniBeleo is a complete system for the full-spectrum face and body practice, as it has all the ideal technology combinations for a complete, proper treatment protocol:

  1. UltraCavitation to dissolve fatty deposits on the body
  2. Vacuum RF to stimulate lymphatic flow and flush the fatty cells after cavitation
  3. Advanced Rotating RF for safe and deep skin rejuvenation and tightening
  4. Microcurrent LED to stimulate tightening of the skin while healing with 1 of 7 LED wavelengths
  5. Cold Therapy to cool the skin down after treatment and encourage pore shrinkage

The OmniBeleo System was created to treat not only the body for slimming and tightening, but also for facial toning, tightening and contouring treatments.

Oomnex Ultrasound Cavitation

The OOMNEX UltraCavitation technology uses the low-frequency and high-energy ultrasound vibrations that are focused into the hypodermal fatty skin layer. This high power energy enables the breakdown of adipocytes and helps to reduce body circumferences.
This treatment allows for clinically relevant subcutaneous fatty layer reduction without any downtime or side effects.

OOMNEX OmniBeleo Cavitation is performed using conductive gel that helps ultrasound vibrations to penetrate deeper into the skin. When low frequency vibrations reach the hypodermal layer, they create microscopic pores in the fat cells that stimulate the collapse of the fat cells, causing triglyceride leakage into the interstitial. One cavitation treatment takes about 30-45 minutes depending on the treated area. Visual results can be expected after even just the first couple of treatments, but the package of 4-10 treatments is required to achieve stable long-lasting results.

The results of ultrasound cavitation treatment:

The proper Cavitation Treatment protocol requires an important additional step: lymphatic stimulation. That is why OOMNEX OmniBeleo has a built-in Vacuum RF handpiece. This incredible feature helps to increase lymphatic circulation and to excrete the waste of collapsed adipocytes, thus boosting the overall slimming results.

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