How to Safely Remove a Foot Corn at Home: Remedies and Prevention
How to Safely Remove a Foot Corn at Home: Remedies and Prevention

If you have a foot corn or corns on your feet, you know how painful they can be. These hardened bumps resemble the size of kernels of corn, for which they’re so appropriately named, and whether they’re on the top of your feet, between your toes or on the pads of your feet, they quite painfully rub inside your shoe.

Many sufferers have tried padding the area with no luck, knowing that after removing the pads, the irritating bumps are still there. Fortunately, they can often be safely and effectively removed right at home. 

Here are some tips for treating and removing your foot corns in just a few days:

Soften the Corn

The first step in removing a corn is softening the toughened, thick bump of dead skin. This makes it much easier for the raised skin to come off with the help of skin files or to fall off on its own.

Soak your foot in warm water.

Fill your tub or a small foot bath with warm (not hot) water. Some like to use calming Epsom salts with oils or perfumes that help to relax or soften your skin. After a 10-minute soak, your corn should be a little softer and primed for gentle filling, however, people with tougher, larger corns may choose to do daily 10-minute soaks for a few days to gradually soften the bump.

Apply scent-free lotion.

Lotions are also a smart way to soften your corn, providing it with nourishing moisture. This is important, as corns are dried accumulations of dead skin. Apply a scent-free lotion post-shower or bath daily until the corn can be gently filed off.

Use vitamin E oil. 

Vitamin E is a helpful vitamin for your skin and hair, and a known natural treatment for foot corns. That’s because the properties of this vitamin help to soften and moisturize skin, while the antioxidants can help this foot irritation to properly heal.

Read Complete Article at Foot Corn Removal

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