How to Eliminate Toxins from Your Daily Skincare Regimen
How to Eliminate Toxins from Your Daily Skincare Regimen

Have you ever considered reading the ingredients list on a skincare product? Or were you perplexed by the ingredients listed on the packaging? With all its glitz, the beauty industry is not without a dark side: cruelty and hazardous chemicals! Here are a few pointers to help you progress toward a cleaner, greener future.

How to Eliminate Toxins from Your Daily Skincare Regimen
How to Eliminate Toxins from Your Daily Skincare Regimen
  1. Keep an eye out for suspicious-six ingredients

Turn over your skincare product and carefully examine all of the contents, which may include perfume (perfume or scent), parabens, sulfates, phthalates, propylene glycol, and toluene. If you see them, keep your distance. These pollutants are not only harmful to your skin, but also to the environment.

  1. Consume a diet strong in fiber

A balanced, high-fiber diet is critical for maintaining healthy, pollution-free skin and long-term overall health.

  1. Multifunctional items are the way to go

It’s straightforward and simple to follow. What could be better than a product that can perform two or even more functions? The best investment may be in multi-purpose skincare or beauty products. For instance, a lip and cheek color or a natural lip balm that simultaneously moisturizes and tames chapped lips.

  1. Consume plenty of water

Consuming water is the simplest technique to achieve moisturized and glowing skin. Always strive to consume between 1.5 and 2 liters of water per day. Consuming plenty of fluids aids the kidneys in excreting noxious poisons.

About the Author:

Germie Alderite is a Registered Medical Technologist in the Philippines. She is currently studying Doctor of Medicine in the said country. Germie worked in an Adventist Wellness Center for a year before entering Medical School. She believes that many transgress the laws of health through ignorance, thus, people need instruction. They need to be impressed with the importance of making their knowledge a guide of life. Physician has many opportunities both of imparting a knowledge of health principles and of showing the importance of putting them into practice.

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