A skin abscess is a pocket of pus.
It is similar to a pimple, but larger and deeper under the skin. It forms when the body tries to protect itself from an infection by creating a wall around it. The pus contains bacteria, white blood cells, and dead skin. The most common bacteria are Staphylococcus aureus (known as “staph”) and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (known as MRSA). Most people carry these bacteria on their skin yet never develop an infection. However, when the bacteria penetrate the skin (through a cut, along a hair follicle, or under the edges of a wound), they may lead to an abscess.
Signs and Symptoms
A skin abscess is round and feels firm and squishy due to the thick membrane around it and the liquid pus inside. It is usually painful, and the overlying skin is often red. Sometimes there is a pinpoint opening in the center (a punctum). This is the weakest part of the wall and pus might spontaneously drain through it.
How to Treat It
The only certain way to treat an abscess is to open the pocket and drain the pus. This is known as an “incision and drainage.” It is a simple procedure that can be done with local anesthesia.
Sometimes the doctor will pack the wound or leave a wick, which means stuffing the empty pocket with a ribbon of gauze. This allows the pus to continue draining and prevents the abscess from returning. Eventually, the entire gauze will be removed and the wound will heal from inside out. If the cavity is large, you may be asked to come back to the office so the gauze can be replaced entirely. Warm, moist compresses or baths are also recommended to keep the wound open and draining.
Read Complete Article at Skin Abscess
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