Endopeel techniques consist of reshaping and repositioning soft tissues by non-invasive methods, keeping same mass and same volume of such tissues before and after treatment.
Such techniques are 3D, can be medical or surgical or mixed and lead to immediate results. Dr.Alain Tenenbaum and Sir.Mauro Tiziani from Switzerland are the Inventors.
Non-Surgical Medical Lifting, what is Endopeel?
It is a medical lifting method that reduces sagging applied in various parts of the face and the body, especially in the face and neck area, which is increasingly used in Europe and America in recent years.
Phenic acid is the active ingredient of Endopeel, which provides a patented product that increases muscle tone and reduces sagging and wrinkles as a result of tension on the skin.
Advantages of Endopeel Techniques in Face Neck Applications
Endopeel applied to Face & Neck achieve immediately results, 1/2 h after treatment.
- 1 month after 1st session
- 3 months after 2nd session
- 6 months after 3rd session
- from 6 months to 1 year after 4th session
Endopeel is the best non-surgical method to help surgical as non surgical facelifts to last longer.
ENDOPEEL technique is an alternative to Botulinum toxin injection by effecting without paralysis of muscles , especially in the 1/3 lower part of face.
ENDOPEEL technique is an alternative to methods that provide skin tightening by chemical means. Changes in muscles with this are almost completely restored.
Endopeel offers a significant advantage in reducing wrinkles as well as avoiding painless sagging without surgical intervention. The absence of risks such as scarring, necrosis, nerve damage during surgical operations or the fact that a lifting effect made by the operation continues for a very long time provides a very comfortable use. In addition, the return of the effect after a while is an important gain compared to surgery.
Another important advantage is that the muscles in the applied areas do not become immobile like the facial expressions are not lost.
Read more: Everything You Need to Know About Endopeel
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