3 Super Easy Detox Water Recipes for Glowing Skin

Now that you’re aware of the numerous benefits of detox water, we’re sure you’re eager to prepare your own. We’ve compiled a list of three of the best detox water recipes for you to try on your way to healthier skin. Therefore, continue reading and begin detoxing…

As Refreshing as A Cucumber 

Make this green detox water with cooling cucumber, lemon juice, and fresh mint leaves as a refreshing drink to take with you on a hot day and to detoxify on the go. Filter water into a jar, bottle, or pitcher. Dice one medium cucumber. Fill the filtered water halfway with cucumber cubes. Squeeze one whole lemon into the water and add a teaspoon of honey and some fresh mint leaves. Slice the remaining lemon half and add it to the water as well. Refrigerate for approximately three hours to chill.

Berry Berry Delectable 

Are you a fan of berries? Prepare this detox water that is infused with the beneficial properties of berries. This delectable beverage, which is high in antioxidants and vitamin C, will assist you in achieving clear and radiant skin. Choose your favorite berries from strawberries, blackberries, or raspberries, or combine them all and cut them into large chunks. Combine them with sparkling water and some kiwi slices. To enhance the flavor, garnish with basil leaves, lime juice, and a pinch of cinnamon. Consume this sweet treat to meet your daily vitamin and antioxidant requirements and achieve flawlessly healthy skin in no time.

3 Super Easy Detox Water Recipes for Glowing Skin

Vitamin C whammy 

Vitamin C aids in the removal of impurities and brightens the complexion. Combine vitamin C-rich fruits with skin-loving ingredients such as mint and ginger to create the ideal drink for healthy skin. Cut green apples, oranges, and grapefruits into small pieces and place them in a glass jug to make this detox water. Fill the jug halfway with water and add a few mint leaves and thin slices of ginger. Refrigerate the jug for a couple of hours to chill and then enjoy the detox drink.

About the Author:

Germie Alderite is a Registered Medical Technologist in the Philippines. She is currently studying Doctor of Medicine in the said country. Germie worked in an Adventist Wellness Center for a year before entering Medical School. She believes that many transgress the laws of health through ignorance, thus, people need instruction. They need to be impressed with the importance of making their knowledge a guide of life. Physician has many opportunities both of imparting a knowledge of health principles and of showing the importance of putting them into practice.

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