Home Remedies for Cystic Acne and how cystic acne form
Home Remedies for Cystic Acne and how cystic acne form

If you’ve ever suffered from cystic acne, you KNOW how painful and embarrassing it can be. Cystic acne is basically the same as regular acne but times 1000. It can linger on for months, even years. It’s extremely painful, a lot bigger, a lot redder, and just overall very unpleasant. If you’ve tried over the counter medicines to treat cystic acne and that hasn’t worked, there ARE other ways you can try as well. These home remedies for cystic acne come highly recommended from people who have had cystic acne, including myself.

How Does Cystic Acne Form?

In short, acne causing bacteria gets under the skin and forms large, often painful bumps. These under the skin lesions cause skin inflammation, which can last for months or years if not treated. A cystic pimple is something to take seriously, as this type of acne is unlike regular breakouts. Below we’ve compiled 11 of the best home remedies for cystic acne. Before trying any of these home remedies, we do suggest you consult your dermatologist

Cystic Acne Home Remedy Recipes

#1. Ice

Ice works great when trying to reduce the size of your cystic acne, or any pimple for that matter! Although this wasn’t completely eliminate it, it WILL reduce the size. The best thing to do is apply ice immediately to the acne when you see it. Drop a couple of ice cubes in a sealable bag, and hold it against the affected area for 10-15 minutes. You should notice a big difference in the swelling.

#2. Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is great for ALL skin ailments, but especially for acne-prone skin. ACV works as a natural astringent and toner that balances your skin’s pH levels. Basically, if used on a regular basis, it will restore your skin’s natural pH balance, which is one of the things that causes cystic acne in the first place. Mix equal parts AVC with equal parts water and apply all over face with a cotton ball. Leave it on overnight, and repeat the process every night before bed. Make sure you wash your face first!

#3. Egg Whites

Egg whites have been used for thousands of years in the treatment of cystic acne. They basically have the ability to pull out grease and oil from your pores…which is what you need. Simply separate the egg white from an egg, whisk it a bit, and apply directly to your face. Leave on for 10-15 minutes until it tightens, and rinse off with warm water. Repeat 2-3 times a week. The egg white will not only remove dirt, impurities, grease, and oil, but will also tighten and shrink pores, and smooth out imperfections.

#4. Lemons

Lemons have a very high acidic content and as such are an integral part of treating cystic acne. Lemon juice will reduce the size, eliminate redness, and erase scars due to its bleaching properties. Mix 1 part pure, organic lemon juice with 1 part water and apply to affected area daily using a cotton ball. Bonus: lemon juice also helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars!

#5. Honey

Honey has amazing anti-bacterial properties and is very often used in treating cystic acne breakouts. Make a honey paste by combining 1 part lemon juice with 1 part honey and apply it to the affected area. Leave on for 10-15 minutes and rinse off. You can apply this quick mask to your cystic acne every other day. If you have sensitive or dry skin, leave out the lemon juice, and only use honey.

#6. Aspirin

An at-home aspirin mask can reduce inflammation, remove dead skin cells, and calm pain. Aspirin is a close cousin to salicylic acid and so it works really well in a pinch! To make an aspirin spot treatment, crush up an aspirin really well and mix it with a little bit of water to form a paste. Apply directly to the cyst and leave on until dry. Remove with warm water and pat dry. Use once a day until the bump subsides. Check out other ways to use aspirin in your beauty regimen! Read more 

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