What Other Means Are There To Manage Your Stressed Skin?
What Other Means Are There To Manage Your Stressed Skin?

If you believe that stress is causing an effect on your skin, there are some symptoms to watch for. Not only can the skin become stressed as a result of internal psychological issues, but also as a result of harsh environmental factors. In some cases, allergens or even pollutants can be absorbed through the skin, causing inflammation and stress. If your skin is red, itchy, inflamed, tight, or peeling, or if you develop breakouts unexpectedly, this could be a sign of stressed skin. 

What Other Means Are There For Managing The Impact Of Stress On The Skin?
What Other Means Are There For Managing The Impact Of Stress On The Skin?

If your skin appears stressed and the products you’re using aren’t helping, it’s best to discontinue your regular routine and replace it with a bland, fragrance-free moisturizer. Maintain a gentle, hydrating cleanser regimen. For a few days, you can try an over-the-counter cortisone cream to alleviate the inflammation. If the skin does not normalize on its own after a few days, contact your Dermatologist for professional assistance. 

Apart from attempting to alleviate stress-related skin effects through products, it’s also worthwhile to find alternative methods of relieving stress. Begin with your sleep habits, noting that when you get enough sleep, you’re able to tackle the remainder of your day more effectively. Additionally, sleep has been shown to be beneficial for skin repair. Once you’ve increased your sleep, try to incorporate exercise, meditation, a healthy diet, and an improved skin care regimen.

About the Author:

Germie Alderite is a Registered Medical Technologist in the Philippines. She is currently studying Doctor of Medicine in the said country. Germie worked in an Adventist Wellness Center for a year before entering Medical School. She believes that many transgress the laws of health through ignorance, thus, people need instruction. They need to be impressed with the importance of making their knowledge a guide of life. Physician has many opportunities both of imparting a knowledge of health principles and of showing the importance of putting them into practice.

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