Eye Makeup Remover At Home
Eye Makeup Remover At Home

Commercial eye makeup remover can be quite expensive, and quite honestly, they don’t even work that well! So what’s a girl to do? Make her own of course! This homemade eye makeup remover is so simple to make and will not only remove even the toughest of mascaras and eyeliners, but will also encourage lash growth and hydrate the skin!

So if you’re looking for the perfect, all natural homemade makeup remover, look no further because this is the only one you’ll ever use!

Homemade Eye Makeup Remover Recipe


  • 2 tbsp witch hazel
  • Two tbsp oil of your choice (jojoba, almond, etc…)
  • 2 tbsp filtered water
  • 1 tsp castor oil
  • 1 tsp almond oil
  • one tsp liquid coconut oil
  • 1-2 capsules vitamin E OR 1/2 tsp liquid vitamin E


  1. To a clean bottle or container of your choice, add all the ingredients.
  2. Shake well to combined all ingredients together.
  3. Apply a small amount to a cotton pad or ball and swipe over eyes, mouth, and/or face. Rub in slow, circular motions to remove all makeup and you’re all set!
  4. Store in a cool, dark place and it will last for months!

1.  Extra Virgin Coconut oil Eye Makeup Remover Recipe

To start off, we have an olive oil eye makeup remover. Olive oil is a pretty common ingredient in these homemade eye makeup remover recipes because it quickly breaks down the makeup on your face.

The other ingredients in this recipe help break down the makeup further and also relax and nourish your skin.

You will need: 

  • ½ cup of extra virgin coconut oil
  • vitamin E capsules (or oil)
  • lavender essential oil
  • small containers for mixing and storage


  1. Start by melting the coconut oil in the microwave. (It should only take 15 seconds.)
  2. Pour the liquid into your container(s).
  3. Use a small pin to poke holes in 6 vitamin E capsules. Add the contents of the capsules into a mason jar with the coconut oil.
  4. Add 6-7 drops of lavender essential oil.

When the mixture has returned to room temperature, it creates an oil that can be lightly massaged onto your eyelids and wiped clean. You can also leave on a small amount overnight to moisturize the delicate skin around your eyes.

Why This Homemade Eye Makeup Remover Is SO Good:

  • Hydrates dry skin
  • Encourages lash and eyebrow growth
  • Cleanses the skin
  • Prevents fine lines and crows feet
  • Anti-aging
  • Acts as a serum Read More……………

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