Ava the first fertility-tracking wearable on the market, uses physiological parameters like temperature, resting pulse rate, and breathing rate to detect a woman’s fertile window. All you have to do is wear the intelligent FDA-approved bracelet on your wrist while sleeping and then sync it up with the companion app in the morning to see which are your five best days to try for a baby.
There are six days a cycle when it’s possible to conceive. Ava is clinically tested to recognize five of them. It’s easy.
- Skin TemperatureDecreases by about 0.2°C after menstruation before rising 0.4°C after ovulation, remaining elevated until your next period begins.
- Resting Pulse RateDrops by about 1.5 beats during the follicular (pre-ovulation) phase, before increasing through the fertile window and peaking in the luteal (post-ovulation) phase.
- Heart Rate Variability RatioTypically rises in the follicular phase and falls in the luteal phase. It’s an indicator of physiological stress, with a higher ratio suggesting the body is under greater duress.
- PerfusionIs the passage of blood through the circulatory system. It’s lowest at the start of the fertile window and highest in the luteal phase and during menstruation.
- Breathing RateMeasures lower at the start of the fertile window and higher in the late luteal phase.
For consistent readings, the Ava sensor bracelet goes to work overnight while your body is at rest.
As it records your physiological parameters, it also tracks movement with a built-in accelerometer. This signal allows it to measure your sleep quantity (duration) and quality (percentage of combined deep and REM sleep).