Aerolase NEO ELITE: Offering New Possibilities in Skin Health
Aerolase NEO ELITE: Offering New Possibilities in Skin Health

The Aerolase Neo Elite offers a gentle skin rejuvenation option and is safe for ALL SKIN TYPES AND SKIN TONES.

This uniquely noninvasive laser treatment Aerolase stimulates healthy collagen and restores your skin’s youthful appearance. Only a beam of laser light touches the skin resulting in the most pleasant treatment available.

The Neo’s advanced technology is designed to reach deep below your skin without warming your outer skin. Aerolase developed Neo’s 650 Microsecond Technology™ reducing discomfort during treatment, providing safe, highly effective results for even the darkest skin tones.

Non- Invasive- No Side Effects- No Downtime

The Aerolase Neo Elite addresses a variety of concerns, including:

  • Skin Laxity
  • Fine Lines/Wrinkles
  • Melasma/Uneven Skin Tone
  • Rosacea/ Broken Capillaries
  • Skin of Color/Ethnic/Tanned Skin
  • Pigmented Lesions (Moles, Cherry Angiomas, Unwanted Freckles)
  • Scars/Stretchmarks
  • Unwanted Hair
  • Acne/Acne Scars

Rejuvenation and Tightening- Neoskin By Aerolase

NeoSkin by Aerolase advances rejuvenation and tightening to new levels by enabling a comprehensive treatment to address tone and texture, lines, wrinkles, and other unwanted skin structures in a single treatment with a single device.

NeoSkin uses 650-microsecond laser energy, which safely, effectively, and tolerably renews the skin’s natural, youthful glow without any skin cooling, anesthetic, and even without the need to touch the skin. NeoSkin now accomplishes the results of what used to take numerous treatments and treatment methods.

As skin ages there can be many changes that occur. Skin quality can worsen with lax skin, enlarged pores, and uneven texture. Whether you are looking to restore your clear, youthful skin or prevent signs of aging, NeoSkin will help achieve your skin goals. This NeoSkin treatment is a quick treatment tailored to address each patient’s specific needs.

Melasma and Hyperpigmentation- Neoskin By Aerolase

NeoSkin allows our patients of all skin types and all skin tones to clear their melasma and hyperpigmentation.

Melasma typically requires a complex treatment regimen to achieve clearance and prevent a recurrence. With the Aerolase Neo our patients achieve clearance with a safe, effective, and tolerable treatment, and with fewer treatments. The Neo’s 650-microsecond laser energy is delivered into the dermis and epidermis to break up melanin deposits while shutting down vasculature and inflammation. Treatment is highly tolerable with minimal risk of adverse effects compared to traditional topical or device treatments for melasma.

Read more: Aerolase NEO ELITE: Offering New Possibilities in Skin Health

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