Many factors affect our skin like age, climate, and stress, just to name a few. To prevent skin problems, you should start taking care of it from an early age. Why buy expensive cream when you can transform your face masks with just 2 ingredients from the refrigerator?
Bright Side collected 11 natural masks that contain only 2 ingredients. You can make them yourself and use them to get healthier skin.
11. Tomato + Baking Soda
You should use juicy, fresh tomatoes. This mask contains many vitamins: vitamin B9 eliminates acne, vitamin A perfectly fights dryness, vitamin K removes excessive pigmentation, vitamin H and zinc help your skin cells regenerate, potassium moisturizes, calcium softens, and choline rejuvenates and soothes your skin.
- Squeeze one tomato;
- Mix it with 2 tbsp of baking soda;
- Apply it to your face and leave for 10 minutes;
- Wash your face with water.
10. Avocado + Honey
Avocado contains potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc and vitamin E. In combination with honey, the avocado can nourish your skin, and make it more taut and elastic.
- Take one ripe avocado and make a puree;
- Mix it with a tbsp of honey;
- Apply this mask on your face and leave on for 15 minutes;
- Rinse the mask off with water.
9. Flour + Potato Juice
To achieve radiant skin, mix the flour and the juice of one potato. The flour will exfoliate rough skin, while the potato juice will lighten blackheads and give the skin some shine.
- Mix the juice of one potato and 6 tsp of flour;
- Gently massage onto the skin;
- Leave the mask on the skin for 15 minutes;
- Rinse with water.
8. Cucumber + Turmeric
We all love cosmetic products that contain cucumber. Thanks to this vegetable, moisture is perfectly absorbed by the skin. In addition the cucumber has astringent properties, which means the skin is tightened and the pores shrink after using a cucumber mask. The turmeric is a natural antiseptic and a universal rejuvenating spice.
- Blend one cucumber;
- Add 1 tsp turmeric and mix together;
- Apply to the skin, leave for 10-15 minutes;
- Rinse it off with clean water. Read More………….
Also Read: Honey Face Packs For Dry Skin